“It’s the most wonderful time of the year….” Yes, I’m singing about SPRINGTIME (not Christmas – I love Christmas – see prior posts to confirm this!! 🙂 )
My tulips are blooming and they look amazing! The peonies are starting to bud, the anemones, columbine and ranunculus are flowering. Irises are sending up their blooms. The ornamental cherry tree is in all its glory! AHHH! Heaven!
Last year my tulips did not do so well. After their glorious premier 2 years ago I was impatient and pulled the leaves too soon, this resulted in poor bloom performance in 2021. Thankfully, I learned my lesson and the 2022 flower bounty improved.
This means I need to get busy photographing all the flowers so that I can paint them one day. I’m not a great photographer so I need to take a lot of photos to get any usable ones. I’m sure that my neighbors think I’ve lost it because I’m out on the sidewalk taking portrait photos of my daffodils and tulips! 😉
“Spring” lasts a long time here in the PNW, not gonna lie. It’s well into July before it ‘feels’ like summer. Regardless, I’m going to take my allergy meds and enjoy the blossoms!
Til next time!